Thursday, March 5, 2009

fun with boozey bottles...

So, I recently had a party-shindig-soiree at my humble abode. This signals for me an IDEAL time to take the ol' Canon out for a spin. However, my dilemma has always been thus: I don't have any fancy flash diffusers, or anything of that nature. So my heart cries a little when I have to take night photos with an ordinary flash and watch in hopelessness as the colour/ambiance/mood of the scene being photographed is washed away in a flash (pun SO intended). Now, I know you can put it on a kind of 'night portrait' setting, which gives novices like me a helping hand. The result is as follows...

Which I like the look of, mainly because of the deep orange/red of the overall image. But I didn't want EVERY photo to look like this. Then Martin told me of a technique he had heard about of placing a spoon in front of the flash. This would disperse the light and create a more realistic-looking image. So we did this for a while and it certainly got the wheels in motion for some creative flash-play! He also told me of people putting cellophane in front of the flash for different colour effects. Well now, I didn't have cellophane -

but I had a light blue Gin bottle...

A green beer bottle...

A brown beer bottle...

And a clear glass bottle...

Something so simple - yet outrageously fun, with great results!! Now I look forward to taking night photos, yeah! I win, flash!!


  1. I saw you playing with the bottles just before I left. Awesome results!

    Some really cool light dispersion, especially with the clear bottle. Who needs a ring flash when you have hundreds of reflectors and refractors just lying around your kitchen? :D

  2. Green bottle is my favourite definitely.

    Here's a thing I've been meaning to try out:

    If you ever get round to trying it, you must let me know!



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