Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ode to: Samantha Morton (and 'Expired')

I spectacled the movie 'Expired' (2007) recently, starring Samantha Morton and Jason Patrick. And, may I say politely, that shit was awesome!! I've developed quite a taste for awkwardness in film and television in recent years - probably because I have a bit of a phobia about it in real life... maybe 'phobia' is taking it a bit far. I'd say I dislike awkwardness in my life about as much as the next person. But I L.O.V.E. it on screen! This movie delivers awkwardness in abundance!!

So, the basic storyline is this: Morton plays Claire, a shy, submissive, kind-hearted ticket inspector in California. The poor love is constantly overlooked by just about everyone apart from her one close female friend, played by Illeana Douglas (an underestimated talent i feel), who encourages Claire to 'get out there' and meet a man - like she did, on the Internet.

ASIDE: One fun suggestion from her friend was that she should try going to a pyjama party - a new hot craze - where everyone (strangers mostly) go to a club in their jim-jams and touch each other up. A good grope-fest, no strings attached. Innocent touching s'all ;-) Novel.

Anyway, so she's working in a thankless, lose-lose, ticket inspector job, and looking after her mute mother at home, who is wheelchair bound following a stroke. Life is pretty shite. But she doesn't complain. no no no.

Jay, a fellow ticket inspector, takes a liking to Claire and an cringe-worthy love affair ensues. You see, Jay is a complete a-hole! says all the wrong things. He's mean, arrogant, selfish, insulting and he has an ugly mo. He's a no good son-of-a-jackal. But Claire figures that something is better than nothing, right?? The thing is, Jay is just so horrible, he can't help but be hilarious! It's almost impossible to imagine anyone like him existing - maybe I should thank Allah I don't know any 'Jays'.

P.S. Expired is awesome. Morton and Patrick are awesome. Incidentally, Morton appears to be always the aforementioned 'A' word. I've never seen her in a bad movie, E.g. I HATE Tom Cruise, but Minority Report was cool - Morton was in that too! Coincidence?

P.P.S. Expired is set in the US, so check out Morton's accent - flawless! I tip my cap, fair lady.

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